Friday, March 8, 2013

GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter ガンダムマックスター

Finally, the last member of the Gundam Fighter for BB senshi.  It is a shame that they did not complete the five members of the Shuffle Domei.  The other two members would've been interesting too.  But, what is past is past, this shows us not EVERYTHING are done in order and/or completed.  The BB senshi version comes with the crystal armor and a dual barrel sniper rifle.  The GG version is missing these components so of course I do not really care about it.

Here's the arsenal for Maxter.  Being an American Gundam and all that, the base color are Red, White and Blue.  You would think if it is a TRUE American robot, this guy would come with nukes like GP02 on crack.

Core Lander of Maxter, wasn't in the mood to paint the white color perfect.  So it came out totally half arsed.

Maxter's got a board shoulder, chest muscle.  It's the most diesel BB senshi I have built.  I wonder if this has anything to do with the American stereotype.

Docking the Core Lander.


Fully equipped Gundam Maxter.  I like the shoulder armor profile.

And the weapon of choice is.....pistol....Japanese people severely under estimated America's firepower fetish.  If we build a Gundam, we will make sure it has enough firearms to level a nation.

The chest and pelvis are separated, you can rotate it and pose him nicely.

The shoulder armors comes off and they become the boxing gloves.



Upper Cut!(kindda pushing it for this one)

The Crystal Buffalo.  Ah.. the good old days when it is okay to just come up with original equipments on BBs.  Miss that so much.

One of the less interesting variation to include the core lander in the mix.

Equipped with the Crystal Buffalo.  This is the fully equipped model of Maxter.

The powered up version of a boxer is........sniper.  Oh well, I guess that makes sense.

Time for the shooting range.

The crystal bullets are kind of heavy, so they don't go far, but it is stable.

Finally, all the mobile fighters for BB are completed.

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