Friday, October 19, 2012

V Commando Gundam Vコマンドガンダム

V Commando Gundam is the powered up version of Commando Gundam.  The support mecha we see in this kit is suppose to be one out of many variations.

 As the Chief Commander of the Gundam team, V-Comm. has all the different types of weapons you can think of.

 Light equiped mode from the front.

 Light Equipped mode from behind.

 Fully Equipped mode, the shoulder armor makes him look stronger.  Funny thing is the shoulder pads doesn't snap in perfectly.

 Fire Tornado, this is suppose to be a type of Flame Thrower plus shield.

 Blue Impulser.  I think that's the name of this weapon.
 Support mecha, V Force One.

 V Force One from behind.

 This is one of the rare occasion that the support mecha is bigger then the main character.

 Combined together and becomes Force Commander One.

 This is one of the biggest BB senshi in my collection.  Looks so long on the side.

 I remember seeing this mode from a Japanese website, and I think this makes him look so much better.

 Fully armed.

 Tank versus dummy.

The guns on V Force One were surprising hard to shoot, but it hit the dummy regardless.
And that concludes all the BB senshi G-Arms members!!!

Captain Gundam キャプテンガンダム

 The second member of the G-Arms warriors, this is actually a brand new kit I got from the internet(not a 20 years old kit).  I know they have a TV series featuring this character, I guess I will check them out when I have time.

 Captain Gundam has three spring loaded guns(5 bullets), a huge shield,  a melee weapon and loads of bullets.

 Captain with his survival knife from the front.  The lighting was a little excess.

 Captain from the back.

 Fully equipped Captain Gundam!

 The lever on the side can change him to scope mode.

Everything on this kit can be mounted and there's no excess part left(except the bullets).
 Vehicle Mode.

 From here he can launch his special attack "Lion's Fang".  Which destroyed their own base.

 Vehicle mode rear view.

 Armed and dangerous.  The attachment for the shoulder missile launcher will break some day.

 Shooting rage time.

Bam!  Knocked down the dummy in one shot.

GunSaber Z ガンセイヴァーZ

This is another kit that I salvaged together with the Commando Gundam, both of them are the works in my teen years.  Now that I look at it, my painting style really haven't changed much since then

G Saber or G Savior?  I am not sure about the name.  He comes with 4 spring loaded gun and no melee weapon, and the shield can not be equipped on his hands.

Light equipped mode.

 Z from behind.

 With the chest plate, this is his battle mode.

 Z is definitely one of the better looking early BB kits.

 All the weapons can be put together as his support mecha.

 Jet Flyer Mode.  The transformation is a bit forced, but it still kind of looks good.  Plus not having to remove the head is a plus.

 The highlight is definitely the missiles on the side guns.

 His weakness is landing according to the story.

 View from behind.

 Mach Saber Mode.
 Front Gatling Gun was extended and the shield is held in front.

 Also the eyes can be switched to scope mode.

 From the bottom it looks more like a fighter jet.

 Standing on the ground.

 Shooting range time.

As expected, the missiles didn't go far, but the regular bullet still shoots well after 20 years.

Commando Gundam コマンドガンダム

It took me a while to get here but I am finally "introducing" this kit.  If it wasn't for this, I probably wouldn't get back into building models again.  I found this in my old home last year, it was built and painted by myself over 20 years ago, I must say it is still in pretty good condition, and I really didn't get ANY better in painting them. X-D
 Here's the weapon set for Commando Gundam, the character is inspired by none other than Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger's Commando.  Just look at this, he has got one of the heaviest firepower amongst all the BB senshi.

 Commando Gundam from the front.

 Commando Gundam from behind.

 Survival knife, his only close quarter weapon.

 Missile Launcher and shot gun.

 Fully equipped mode.

 We won't get into how he can move around with all these weapons.

 Mega Launcher mode.

 The pinnacle of BB senshi firepower.
 NOT going to miss the target this time.

And after all bullets hit, the dummy is still standing!